"Transforming lives for Christ through excellence in education, relationships and service"
Six times a year, students in grades 1-6 attend Fine Arts Mini Experiences. Parent volunteers transform into famous artists and musicians and teach students elements of design and composition. If you would like to be a part of this program, please contact us today!
Biblical Perspective: God has created us with the ability to express ourselves through the fine arts for the purpose of bringing honor and praise to Him and as a ministry opportunity to others. Through creative expression we are drawn closer to God in worship and experience a closeness to Him that we may not be able to express in words.
Our fine arts program is designed to provide students with an avenue for expression that meets their individual gifts and talents. In Middle School, students are given the opportunity to participate in band, honor choir, hand bell choir, and theatre arts as well as ACSI competitions in speech, creative writing, and art.
After school enrichment programs are offered for MCS students in areas not usually found in regular school curriculum. These optional, fee based programs include Renaissance Club, Chess Class, Soccer Mania, as well as specialized fine arts classes using a variety of media.